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Connect Class

Have you been visiting our church, virtually or in person and would like to take the next step to become part of the Oasis family? Would you like to learn more about the different ministries, the leadership and how you can get connected to serve? This is the class for you!


Class Schedule: Every first TUESDAY of the Month.

Please register for the desired date.

 the next step for the visitor
ready to
plug in

What we'll cover:


Our Biblical Foundations

As part of your next step in becoming an active member of the church body, we will talk about the foundational beliefs of our church as well as the biblical basis for what we believe.


The OasisMission

and Vision

While our mission and vision is all around our building, and website, during this class we talk about the origin of our mission and vision and our call to the city of Newport News


Meet our Leadership

We are a multi-campus organization with several ministries, but it is pivotal that we all know the amazing leadership over each department and how they serve the organization, the city and the people of our church.


Ways to SERVE

Perhaps you've noticed the media team, and would like to learn more? Perhaps you'd like to serve in Kid's Ministry or audition for the Worship Team. During this class, we will talk about the basis of servanthood and how to plug in where you feel led to. 

matthew 16:18

"and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"

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